2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup Predictor Game is a predictor game template you can use to play prediction game with your friends, relatives and colleagues. There are plenty of options you can choose to suit your own game regulation. You can use it as a score prediction game (just predict match scores) or set it as a set and forget prediction game (Knock Out round teams will follow players prediction).
Players get points based on your game setup. They can get points by predicting correctly winning teams, include or exclude match score results. You can use this template as your own Women’s World Cup Office Pool template as well since it gives you flexibility to suit your own pool regulation and game.
If you choose to implement a set and forget game, you may notice that incorrect pairing teams in KO rounds won’t give players chance to get points. To compensate losing scores because of that incorrect pairings, you can choose up to 15 bonus points criteria where players can get those bonus points if their prediction met specific criteria.
To input player’s predictions, you can copy and paste scores into particular player table in one worksheet where points will be shown automatically every time actual result scores are filled. They are all in one single worksheet.
Here are short instructions on how to use 2023 Women’s World Cup Office Pool template.
Player List Tab
In this 2023 World Cup Predictor Game you can put player names in separate table and also add starting point, entry fee and other information you need about your participants.
Player Prediction and Actual Results Board Tab
Fill player’s prediction as well as actual results here. Points are also calculated in this worksheet. If you are using the paid version, you can copy prediction scores from separate player’s prediction sheet. If you are using the free version, you can type it inside score fields directly, or copy and paste from Women’s World Cup 2023 schedule template.
Scoreboard Tab
You can see prediction summary from all of your players in this worksheet. You can see it in point summary and score prediction summary. You can also see top 3 predicted scores in this worksheet.
Leaderboard Tab
Check your player’s standings regularly in this worksheet tab. They are ranked by tie-breaker regulation as follows :
- Total points (match + bonus points)
- Total correct prediction
- Higher total match points
- Entry order in player scoreboard table
At the right side of table, you can see five last points earned from each matches from your players.
Here is the free version of 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup Predictor Game Template. You can use for 10 players only. Also, features are limited. You may need the paid version to utilize all the features with more players.