
Auto Repair Shop Bookkeeping Template

Auto repair shop bookkeeping template is an Excel spreadsheet to record all of your business transaction and have them summarized automatically in standard accounting format. You do not need to understand accounting. All you need to do just posting all of your transactions, by customers, or just sales summary and let the formula works.

You will get monthly and one year income statement, monthly cash/bank summary, inventory report and many more.

Getting Started

To start this Auto repair shop bookkeeping template, you need to customize it by setting up all parameters. Worksheets that you need to setup are :

  1. Company Info : You can type your fiscal year starting date. Any dates. It will set this spreadsheet to generate one year period report. Also, you need to type your business name to appear as report titles.
  2. Customer List : Optional. You can type in transaction page directly. You need to type in this worksheet if you want to track their receivables.
  3. Supplier List : Similar with customer list.
  4. Receipt Number List : You need to fill it with your own receipt number before you can select and print invoices, purchase orders and cash receipts
  5. Asset List : List your asset here
  6. Service Product List : Set your service product here. For spare parts, you can fill in inventory list
  7. Sales Channel List : Optional. You may need this if you manage more than one shops
  8. Prepaid Revenue | Expenses
  9. Financial Report : These worksheet contains accounts that will be used as references in all financial statements. Some of them are editable where you can set with your own categories.
  10. Inventory List : This is the worksheet to set your spare parts and accessories

Once you complete the setup process, you can start posting your transaction regularly.

Filling Transaction

  1. Sales : This is where you put all your regular transaction. You can type sales summary or by customers. Remember that this is a bookkeeping spreadsheet. Its aim is to generate financial statement with standard accounting format automatically. There are samples you can learn in demo version.
  2. Purchase : This one is similar with sales, except it is intended for your suppliers.
  3. Other Income | Expenses : Other income and expenses that are not related directly with sales and purchase can be written here
  4. Internal Bank/Cash Account Transfer/Mutation
  5. Depreciation : There is an automatic depreciation table that will generate depreciation value of your assets automatically

Generating Report

Report are generated automatically. Here are list of those reports.

  1. Gross Profit & Loss
  2. Monthly Profit & Loss
  3. Profit & Loss
  4. Balance Sheet
  5. Cash Flow
  6. Equity
  7. Assets
  8. Cash Accounts : This is the worksheet to track your monthly transaction. You can filter it by cash or bank name.
  9. Dashboard : You can view one year financial profile of your business here.

Below is the Demo version of Auto repair shop bookkeeping spreadsheet you can use before purchasing the paid version that you can do in the author site.

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